I will give a talk at the “algebraic geometry conference about MMP, Fano varieties and related topics” to be held at Peking University on June 23-27, 2025.
‘Abundance theorem for minimal compact Kahler manifolds with vanishing second Chern class’ 69th Geometry Symposium Tokyo University of Science, August 2022. slide
‘Abundance theorem for minimal compact Kahler manifolds with vanishing second Chern class’ The 28th Symposium on Complex Geometry , Shiinoki Cultural Complex, Ishikawa Prefecture, November 2022.
‘Structure theorem of complex projective manifolds whose curvature is semipositive’, 18th algebraic, analytic, geometry seminar, Online, February, 2023.
‘On the structure of a log smooth pair with vanishing Chern class.’, Workshop on Complex Geometry in Osaka 2023, Osaka University, March, 2023.
‘Positivity of tangent sheaves of projective klt varieties’ The 29th Symposium on Complex Geometry, Shiinoki Cultural Complex, Ishikawa Prefecture, 4th–8th December 2023. PDF
‘Positivity of tangent sheaves of projective klt varieties’ Young Perspectives on Algebraic Geometry, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences. 9th–11th December 2023.
'’Complex projective manifolds satisfying Miyaoka’s equality’ SCV, CR geometry and Dynamics, RIMS. 25th–29th November 2024.
“Condensed sets and topological spaces (Commentary on Scholz’s Lecture Notes, Chapter 2, Appendix)” Condensed mathematics Workshop Osaka Metropolitan University, February, 2025 PDF
Apr. 2018–Mar. 2022
‘On the global generation of direct images of pluri-adjoint line bundles’ HAYAMA Symposium on Complex Analysis in Several Variables XX (night session), Shonan Village Center, Kanagawa, July. 2018. slide
‘On the global generation of direct images of pluri-adjoint line bundles’ MSJ Autumn Meeting 2018, section of complex analysis, Okayama University, Okayama, September 2018. slide
‘Vanishing theorems of vector bundles with singular Hermitian metrics’ MSJ Autumn Meeting 2018, section of complex analysis, Okayama University, Okayama, September 2018. slide
‘Characterization of weakly positive torsion-free coherent sheaves by singular Hermitian metrics’ MSJ Autumn Meeting 2018, section of complex analysis, Okayama University, Okayama, September 2018. slide
‘On Fujita’s freeness conjecture in a relative setting’, Winter seminar on several complex variables, Osaka City University, Osaka, December 2018.
‘On Fujita’s freeness conjecture in a relative setting’, 24st Young Mathematician Workshop on algebra’, the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, February 2019. PDF
‘On the Fujita’s freeness conjecture in the relative setting.’, 2nd Conference of Higher Algebraic Geometry “ in Osaka University, May, 2019.
‘On projective manifolds with pseudo-effective tangent bundles’ HAYAMA Symposium on Complex Analysis in Several Variables XXI (night session), Shonan Village Center, Kanagawa, July. 2019.
‘Projective manifolds with pseudo-effective tangent bundles’, Young mathematicians workshop on algebraic, geometric, and analytic aspects of K theory and vector bundles, in Ryukyu University, August, 2019.
‘Projective manifolds with pseudo-effective tangent bundles’, 54th summer seminar of Theory of function, August, 2019.
‘Projective manifolds with pseudo-effective tangent bundles’, Young Mathematicians Workshop on Several Complex Variables 2019,Osaka City University, Osaka, September, 2019.
‘Projective manifolds with pseudo-effective tangent bundles’, 62th Symposium of complex analysis , Nagoya, November, 2019.PDF
‘Description of Bauer-Pignatelli “Rigid but not infinitesimally rigid compact complex manifolds”’, Kodaira’s Theory on Complex Manifolds and its Development, Osaka City University, Osaka, December, 2019.
‘Foliation theory in algebraic geometry’, Line bundles and plurisubharmonic functions on complex algebraic manifolds, Tohoku University, Miyagi, February, 2020.
‘On asymptotic base loci of relative anti-canonical divisors of algebraic fiber spaces’, MSJ Autumn Meeting 2020, section of complex analysis, Online, September 2020. slide
‘On asymptotic base loci of relative anti-canonical divisors’, Winter seminar on several complex variables, Online, December. 2020. PDF
‘On projective manifolds whose tangent bundles contain positive subbundles’, Grauert theory and recent complex geometry , Online, February. 2021. PDF
On projective manifolds whose tangent bundles contain positive subbundles’, MSJ Meeting 2021, section of complex analysis, Online, March 2021. PDF
‘On the structure of a log smooth pair in the equality case of the Bogomolov-Gieseker inequality’,Algebraic Geometry Symposium in Waseda University, Online, August 2021. slide
‘On the structure of a log smooth pair in the equality case of the Bogomolov-Gieseker inequality’, MSJ Autumn Meeting 2021, section of complex analysis, Online, September 2021.PDF
‘On the structure of projective manifolds whose tangent bundles are positive.’ The hybrid 20th Affine Algebraic Geometry Meeting, hybrid, March 2022. PDF
‘Research on structures of complex projective manifolds whose holomorphic tangent bundles are positive.’ Award ceremony of OCAMI paper prize in 2021 fiscal year and a special award & a memorial talk, OCAMI(Osaka City University Advanced Mathematical Institute), March 2022. PDF
Apr. 2022–
‘Abundance theorem for minimal projective manifolds with vanishing second Chern classes’, Geometry Seminar, Osaka University+Online, April. 2022.
‘Abundance theorem for minimal projective manifolds with vanishing second Chern classes’, Algebraic Geometry Seminar in the University of Tokyo and Kyoto University, Online, May. 2022.
‘Fujita decomposition theorem for pseudo-effective reflexive sheaves and its applications.’ University of Bayreuth, July. 2022.
‘Abundance theorem for minimal compact Kahler manifolds with vanishing second Chern class’ Geometry Seminar in Tokyo Institute of Technology, Online, November 2022.
‘Structure theorem of complex projective manifolds whose curvature is semipositive’, Osaka University+Online, January, 2023. PDF
‘Miyaoka type inequality for terminal weak Fano varieties.’ The University of Tokyo, June. 2023.
‘Abundance theorem for minimal projective varieties satisfying Miyaoka’s equality’, Sun Yat-Sen University, May. 2024.
Apr. 2018–Mar. 2022
‘Vanishing theorems of vector bundles with singular Hermitian metrics’ Geometry Seminar, Nagoya University, Aichi, May. 2018. slide
‘On the structure of a log smooth pair in the equality case of the Bogomolov-Gieseker inequality’, Geometry Seminar in Kyushu University, Online, June. 2021. PDF
‘On the structure of a log smooth pair in the equality case of the Bogomolov-Gieseker inequality’, Geometry Seminar in Tohoku University, Online, July. 2021. PDF
Line bundles and plurisubharmonic functions on complex algebraic manifolds’, Tohoku University, Miyagi, February, 2020. (with T. Koike) link
”Prospects and Open Problems in Higher-dimensional Algebraic Geometry”, Osaka City University, Osaka, March, 2020. (with Y.Gongyo, S. Matsumura, T. Koike) , (canceled by covid-19 outbreak.) link
“Subvarieties and foliations of complex projective varieties”, Online(Osaka City University), February, 2022. (with T. Ohsawa, T. Koike) link.
“Workshop on Complex Geometry in Osaka 2023”, Osaka University, March, 2023. (with H. Kasuya) link
“Problems on foliations and dynamics in complex geometry” RIMS, November, 2023. (with T. Ohsawa, T. Koike, M. Adachi, S. Hamano) Link
“Workshop on Complex Geometry in Osaka 2024”, Osaka University, March, 2024. (with H. Kasuya) Link
“Mini-workshop on Higgs bundles”, Osaka University, May, 2024. (with H. Kasuya, Y. Hashimoto, N. Miyatake) Link
“New developments in Kobayashi–Hitchin correspondence and Higgs bundles”, Osaka University, August, 2024. (with H. Kasuya, Y. Hashimoto, N. Miyatake) Link
“Workshop on Algebraic Geometry over complex number field or in positive characteristic -Around positivity of tangent sheaves and anti-canonical divisors- “ Osaka Metropolitan University, August, 2024. (with S. Ejiri, T. Koike, K. Sato, S. Matsumura, Y. Matsuzawa) Link
“Winter seminar of Several Complex Variables in 2024” Osaka University, December, 2024. (with Y. Matsumoto) Link
“Condensed mathematics Workshop” Osaka Metropolitan University, February, 2024.(with M. Enokizono, K. Hashizume, Y. Matsuzawa) Link
“Geometry Seminar in Osaka University” Osaka University, April, 2023. 20 talks
“Geometry Seminar in Osaka University” Osaka University, April, 2024.