Masataka Iwai

This is Masataka Iwai’s Homepage. A Japanese version is here.→日本語版



  • I’m Masataka Iwai, an assistant professor in Department of Mathematics, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University. Link
  • I’m majoring in complex geometry, algebraic geometry, and several complex variables.
  • I’m interested in these topics:
    1. Structure of projective manifolds whose tangent bundles are “positive” (such as ample, nef, big, pseudo-effective). I established the structure theorem for projective manifolds with “positive” tangent bundles or “positive” foliations. Recently, I studied the structure of log smooth pairs whose logarithmic tangent bundles are “positive”.
    2. Structure of projective manifolds whose cotangent bundles are “positive”. I proved the abundance conjecture for minimal projective manifolds with nef cotangent bundles whose numerical Kodaira dimension is one and I established the structure theorem for this projective manifolds.

Also, I studied relative anti-canonical divisors and relative versions of Fujita’s conjecture.


  • Name: Masataka Iwai
  • Major: complex geometry, algebraic geometry, several complex variables
  • Email: masataka[at], masataka.math[at]
  • Affiliation: Department of Mathematics, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University
  • Address : 1-1 Machikaneyama-cho, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-0043, Japan
  • Google Scholar
  • ORCiD
  • Research Map
  • Professional Societies: The Mathematical Society of Japan (Member #11981).